Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Birthday and Wrapping

A lot has happened since the Halloween Party, so i will finish the story of my first movie in this post, and then continue on to my experiences on my second movie in the next entry i have the energy for. At this point this blog is mostly for my own documentation than anything else, but i figure if anybody is e-stalking me, they have something to read from time to time.

Anyway. My 22nd birthday comes and goes, and as i later learn its usually a very melancholy event. One after reaching legal drinking age, it's the birthday with no real milestone to attach to it, and as many people often do, an apt occasion for summing up your life up to that point and being massively self-critical, and on the day self-effacing. My birthday however did not cause this to happen to me. It was actually a pretty memorable weekend, and i never got too introspective about my direction, maybe now that i am stagnant again, things might be different, but at the time, life was good.

I think its partially that at 22 i have been given the opportunity to work in a field that I am interested in, in an exciting fast paced environment that if i keep working, eventually leads nowhere but up. Sure there are short-cuts to take, but really, the more time spent working the more valuable you become, and the more hirable you are (as in any freelance situation). The other side, was that because of the transitive nature of the business, most people are used to making good friends in short amounts of time, so when I gather for a birthday dinner at one of the other PA's house, i am greeted by most of the Production staff, and 6 or so of the actors. I guess promise of a home cooked meal also sweetened the deal, but I had to relish the thought that they all had come to celebrate. But I'm jumping ahead.

The eve of my birthday, the Cast has thrown a pre-wrap party, because the production is sending actors home as they finish, and only three of them will be around as of the last day of the shoot, many leaving the morning after, so-- a celebration is in order. The open bar is a nice relief (on the wallet) and the crowd isn't too thick. I'm thinking most locals head home for the weekend, and at this point a job is a job. I however am quite infatuated with the whole thing at this point. Many shenanigans are had and photos taken, and finally the party breaks up. Several of us head to another bar stick around there for awhile and then head to a Strip club (my first) sometime in the early hours of my actual birthday.

The next day is the dinner like i said, then its back to one more week of filming in the most abject filming conditions i can think of. Its quite bizarre to be filming in an abandoned building mostly because its the kind of place i would sneak around and take pictures of myself. Having a film set inside makes it difficult to process, partially because its hard to tell what is set dressing and what isn't, but also because everybody is operating out of it like its usual, according to locals, its the creepiest place in the entire city. But we bring all these lights and cameras in, and suddenly, its nothing more than a set. an Asbestos-laden-death-trap of a set, but set nonetheless.

Our last week in this location (and on this film) becomes quite epic, as most days of our filming involves hiring on more help, and more equipment to cover the needs of the splinter units we have filming on other parts of the abandoned campus, or at an ice skating rink several miles away. I kind of wish i had been off working at the ice rink as a change of pace, but at this point there is light at the end of the tunnel, so work is work. Our last day the crew waives its turn around, so most people only get 3 or so hours of sleep in order to finish early, and we end up working nearly a 20 hour day.

The real cast party is also fun, and includes several karaoke performances by yours truly (its starting to become a new drunk hobby of mine) and there are another instances of bar hopping before the party ends up back at the hotel. I forget the end of the night, but i wake up in my bed with my ride knocking on the door. He was supposed to sleep over the night before for us to get a head start, but my lush-like behavior ruins that. Anyway we get on the road En-route to DC where I later pick up a Chinatown special (also via Philly) to New York (finally).

Somewhere along the way I get a call back for my next job...