Friday, January 19, 2007

Movie #2

So i never got around to writing about my second movie experience. I'll try to keep it breif so i don't end up filling too many blank details in with my imagination, besides, the sooner i get through this, the sooner i can get to documenting my more recent film escapades.

Working on a film on the streets of NYC was an entirely different beast than in South Carolina. The people are entirely less friendly, there are more of them, and i never got to saw the set. My difference of experience might also have something to do with the fact that I was working on a project that was about 20 times the budget of the other film, and that instead of being one of 5 PAs I was 1 of 150. And oh yeah did i mention the two locations we filmed were 14th and 10th (meatpacking district) and Madison and 42nd (Grand Central). Suffice it to say, many a yuppie were unpleased to find out that they couldnt reach their couture fashion shops no matter where they found themselves.

I didnt see any famous people (in fact only the lead's stunt double was on set at all) and i didnt make any amazingly helpful contacts (2 months later will prove this) but i did meet some other cool PAs that may get me some day to day work in the coming months.

This was in fact the last weekend of shooting before a "planned shooting hiatus" which as far as I know still hasn't resumed, so I may be in luck when getting more work in a month or so, but for now, some other medium term jobs have developed. More on that soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.